If you are new to New Zealand or returning to New Zealand after a lengthy break, it is imperative when considering new employment offers to have any agreements checked by your lawyer.

There have been legislative changes, such as an increase in annual leave from 3 weeks per year to 4 weeks, 90 day trial periods, and the employee’s right to request flexible working arrangements.  You need to know about these changes before you agree to anything in an employment agreement.

Another interesting issue is Kiwisaver.  Kiwisaver is a voluntary work-based savings scheme with a primary purpose of establishing a retirement fund.  Employees can choose whether to participate in it, contributing 2%, 4% or 8% of their gross pay, or may choose to opt out of the scheme altogether (see the link below for further information on this topic).

The following links could help you and provide information that you need to know before you sign any document:

Kiwi Saver Changes

Failure To Read A Document You Sign Can Get You Into Hot Water

If you have recently returned from overseas and are not sure about your rights or if you would just like to discuss any employment matter please phone Alan Knowsley for an initial free relaxed chat about our services.