Our Services
Dispute Resolution
If you are in a dispute we understand how frustrating and complex those situations can become. We are lawyers focused on resolving our clients’ disputes using all of the tools available such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration and court action. We will cut out all the jargon and explain the processes and law to you in plain language.
Many disputes can be resolved out of a formal court action and that is often the quickest, most economical and private way to resolve matters. However, while we recognise that keeping disputes out of court is the preferred way to resolve matters, and we are very skilled at achieving that in most cases, we are determined and experienced fighters in court should the need arise. If you are backed into a corner and have to go to court we will help you to put your case forward in the best possible way and get you the best possible outcome.
Our expertise is in all areas of dispute resolution and litigation. We act for many individuals and organisations particularly in the Debt Collection, Medical, Education, Maori, Employment, Insurance and Charity fields. We have been involved as counsel in many high profile cases in the Courts and Tribunals, as well as many successful mediations and settlement negotiations. Our vast experience of the pitfalls of dispute resolution and litigations enables us to advise clients on how to avoid the potholes and keep their careers and businesses on track.
Call us for a relaxed friendly chat on 04 4736 850 or email us at lawyers@raineycollins.co.nz