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Wellington Māori Offered Redress Package
The settlement package comprises:
- An agreed historical account and Crown apology;
- A financial settlement of $25 million;
- $5 million as a contribution to the costs of settling the claims;
- Sale and leaseback opportunities for a number of prime real estate sites in central Wellington, including Archives New Zealand, the National Library of New Zealand, the High Court and Wellington Girl’s College.
- Right of first refusal for a period of 100 years over certain surplus Crown- owned properties;
- Deferred selection to purchase at fair market value certain Crown-owned properties, including New Zealand Defence Force lands at Shelly Bay;
- Return of lands of great cultural significance to Taranaki Whanui. These include Point Dorset Recreation reserve, Matiu/Somes Island, and the lakebeds of Lake Kohangatera and Lake Kohangapiripiri (the Pencarrow Lakes).
Wellington Māori comprising Te Atiawa, Taranaki, Ngati Tama, Ngati Ruanui and Ngati Mutunga, whose ancestors migrated to Wellington in the 1820s and 1830s, were offerd a redress package for the settlement of historical Treaty of Waitangi claims.
The respective iwi are currently considering the redress package and then will vote on whether to accept the package.