Staff recruitment fees and business owner downtime are major “costs” when staff leave to say nothing of the effects of the disruption caused to workflows.

We all know that if customers feel valued, they are less likely to take their custom elsewhere.  The goal of any business is to create and maintain a customer.  It is a lot easier, and cost effective, to maintain our customers rather than finding new ones.

However, do we overlook the importance of making our employees feel valued?  These are the very people that we need, and rely upon on a daily basis, in order for us to run our various enterprises.

It is imperative that we also create, and maintain, a team approach within our work environments.  One way we can help achieve this is by making our employees feel valued.  This ensures that we are more likely to have longevity in retaining our employees and they, in turn, reward us with their loyalty and commitment.  This also enables us to maintain consistency and stability for our customers, clients and other employees.

Each and every team member within the work place has an important role to play in making the team operate efficiently and effectively.  Whether they are the mail-person, the tea-person, the office junior, the store-person, the driver, the warehouse manager, the office manager, the sales consultant, the receptionist or the PA, they have a vital part to play in achieving the smooth operation of the business.

Making staff feel valued and treating them well and fairly is good for business and the savings in “hidden” costs can be very beneficial for the bottom line.