It is important to keep accurate timesheets when charging on a time and attendance basis. The value of accuracy is made apparent every time a client queries an invoice. Having clear and specific timesheets means if a mistake is made, it can be picked up on and remedied, but also means that when you have a dodgy debtor who will do anything to get out of an invoice, you can prove that you have done the work you have charged.

Contractors, labourers, consultants, accountants and many others charge for the time spent working for the client. In these fields it is vital that systems are clear and that time spent working for a client is explicitly recorded and logged.

In a similar vein, it is important to keep accurate file notes.

When systems are clear and well documented client care and debt collection are both made easier. Clients are happier when they can ask for and be provided with precise details such as a breakdown of an invoice, and appreciate having records kept which allow for any potential mistakes in an invoice to be picked up on and remedied.

In terms of debt recovery, it is much more acceptable to a Court to grant judgment where there are clear and well supported invoices which have not been paid, as opposed to confusing and unsupported invoices which are difficult to justify and the client has ignored.