A kai tiaki trust is intended for minors and individuals living with disabilities. A kai tiaki trust can be formed to manage the interests of land holders who are unable to carry out the necessary functions to properly protect their own interests. The trustee appointed by the Māori Land Court can represent the beneficiaries’ land interests in any issues that arise.

There are three different types of trustees which may be appointed to a kai tiaki trust. A responsible trustee is required to administer the trust and manage the assets held by the trust, other trustees may be appointed to assist the responsible trustee(s). This can be either a custodian trustee (who may have assets assigned to their name in certain circumstances) and/or an advisory trustee (who provides advice to the responsible trustee(s)).

The trustees of a kai tiaki trust can represent minors or people living with disabilities at land owners/trust meetings on matters relating to their Māori land blocks.

Peter Johnston
Maori Issues Lawyer