The Employment Relations Authority (“the ERA”) has the power to hear and resolve general employment relationship problems, and either an employer or an employee can lodge an application online, by post, or by hand.

The applicant will need to provide the ERA with the following information:

  • The name of the party on the other side of the dispute (“the Respondent”);
  • An explanation of what the problem is;
  • The background to the problem and what gave rise to it;
  • How they would like the problem resolved;
  • Any documents that relate to the problem which may include employment agreements, payslips, correspondence between parties, and meeting notes; and
  • An explanation of the steps which have already been taken to resolve the problem.

This information makes up the Statement of Problem. The ERA will acknowledge the application and send a copy to the Respondent, who has to lodge a Statement in Reply within 14 days.

The Statement in Reply should include:

  • The Respondent’s view of the problem;
  • The Respondent’s version of the background to the problem and what gave rise to it; and
  • An explanation of the steps which have already been taken to resolve the problem.

The process allows the ERA member to hear the dispute from both parties, and also allows the parties (or their representatives) to identify the problems which need to be discussed at the investigation meeting.

If the Respondent does not file a statement in reply, the ERA shall decide the next steps, which can include a direction for mediation, a case management conference, or an investigation meeting.

Find out more about what the ERA is and investigation meetings.