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Tackling bias and racism towards Māori in education…
As part of the much-discussed Wellbeing Budget, the Government announced a new programme aimed at improving how Māori experience the education system.
Te Hurihanganui will attempt to address bias and racism in the system and support whānau to engage in the education of their tamariki. The programme follows on from an earlier initiative, Te Kotahitanga, which ran in certain schools until 2015.
Details are still to emerge as to how exactly the programme will roll out, but indications are that it will initially involve education providers in 6 communities nationwide, with a view to building learnings into the wider education system.
The issue of racism and bias experienced by Māori in schools is likely to be a matter for consideration by the Waitangi Tribunal when it comes to the Education Services and Outcomes Inquiry. This kaupapa (or generic) inquiry will provide a significant opportunity for claims raising nationally significant education issues to be heard.
For more information about getting involved in this inquiry, please contact us on 0800 733 424.