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Teacher censured for repeat drink driving...
The Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal has censured a teacher following a second incident of drink driving. The teacher was first convicted in 2016 and was again convicted in 2019. He failed to report the 2019 convictions to the Teaching Council and the Council only became aware of the convictions when advised by the Ministry of Justice.
The Tribunal found that drink driving reflects adversely on a teacher’s fitness to teach and the situation was aggravated by the teacher’s failure to report the convictions. The situation was also aggravated by the very high alcohol levels and the erratic driving, before the teacher passed out at the wheel.
The only mitigating factor was the teacher voluntarily undertook a 10 week course to try to get on top of his behaviour and received very positive references from the course providers.
While stating that teachers must model good behaviour to students, the Tribunal decided it could deal with the matter by way of a censure and requirement to undergo supervision and mentoring for two years rather than suspension or cancellation of registration.