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Teacher censured following physical assault on his son…
The Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal has censured a teacher and placed conditions on his practice for 18 months after the teacher self-reported to the Police following hitting his son.
The teacher had been in an argument with his wife when the son intervened and the teacher struck him on the face causing bruising. The teacher immediately self-reported to the Police and the Police investigated, but decided to issue a warning rather than to prosecute. The matter came to the attention of the Teaching Council when the Police vet form was provided by the Police which revealed the warning.
The Disciplinary Tribunal found that this amounted to serious misconduct, because it reflected adversely on the teacher’s fitness to practice and brought the profession into disrepute.
The teacher was very remorseful as to his actions and has reconciled with his wife and son and was undergoing counselling.
Alan Knowsley
Education Lawyer