The Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal has censured a teacher after convictions for driving with excess breath alcohol, careless use and driving in a dangerous manner were discovered two years after the offences and conviction at Court.  The convictions occurred in 2015 but it was not until 2017 the Teaching Council became aware of the convictions following a Police vet.  The teacher had failed to report the convictions to the Council as required.

As well as driving with excess breath alcohol on two occasions the teacher crashed his car on both occasions.  The first time into a power box and the second time into parked cars.

The teacher is now being medicated for medical issues and is attending counselling.

The teacher was censured and the record of that placed on the register for a period of 18 months.  As the convictions occurred at a time when the teacher was not teaching there was no need to notify his employer of the outcome of the disciplinary hearing.  The Tribunal decided not to impose any conditions in relation to his drug use given the length of time since the convictions and the efforts he has made to rehabilitate himself with medical help and counselling in the intervening period.

Alan Knowsley
Education Lawyer