The Waitangi Tribunal has initiated the Kaupapa Inquiry into the Crown’s acts and omissions in relation to education services and outcomes.

Kaupapa inquiries are designed to provide a pathway for the Waitangi Tribunal to hear claims relating to nationally significant issues affecting Māori.

Judge Rachel Mullins, Ron Crosby, Dr Paul Hamer, Dr Monty Soutar ONZM, and Kevin Prime make up the Inquiry panel.

The Tribunal has invited parties who wish to participate in this Inquiry, to file a claim.

The Inquiry will look into the public education system as a whole, and the Kaupapa Māori education system, using the following broad themes:

  • mātauranga Māori;
  • primary and secondary schools;
  • tertiary education;
  • curricula;
  • education finance; and
  • te reo Māori in the education system.

If you have issues relating to these themes, you may be eligible to file a claim in this Kaupapa Inquiry. 

If you need assistance to bring, or progress, your Waitangi Tribunal claim, it is helpful to speak to a professional with experience in this area. 

If you are interested in updates on the other Kaupapa Inquiries, you can read about them here.