Relationships these days can be complex, and the protection and division of assets is an important thing for anyone in a relationship to consider. The goal of this webinar is to provide information and an overview of Separation and Pre-nuptial (Contracting Out) Agreements as well as the process of going to Court including:

  • What is a Separation Agreement and what can it achieve?
  • What are the requirements for a Separation Agreement?
  • Can I deal with contact and child support issues in these agreements?
  • How easily can Separation Agreements be challenged after they are signed?
  • What is a Pre-nuptial/Contracting Out Agreement?
  • What are the requirements for a Pre-nuptial/ Contracting Out Agreement?
  • Can Pre-nuptial/ Contracting Out Agreements be reviewed and if so when?
  • Can the Court overturn these agreements and if so, in what circumstances?

There will also be a forum to answer any questions you might have about these issues and how you can ensure that your property is divided fairly or protected, depending on the circumstances of your relationship.

Webinar Details

When:             Tuesday, 15 October 2024 - 1 pm – 2 pm.

Where:            This is a Zoom webinar. Join here

Webinar ID:     872 6399 9481

Password:       550794

Registration:   Register your attendance